32 years with You
● Quality of our products is assured globally by certification according to the internationally recognized FSSC 22000 quality management system standard
● Design studio takes care of the preliminary design
● We use environmental water-soluble paints and varnishes, as well as cardboard which is suitable for recycling
● All products have a Health Certificate
● In addition to the production of paper and cardboard products in the company there is a design team and team for making tools, as well as teams for monitoring the production and maintenanceе
Products:● Cake cups, cardbord plates and trays, paper cups, doilies and baking papers, party product line, laminated cake pads, plastic tableware : cups, plates
НАПОМЕНА: Наведене су пројектоване димензије пречника отвора папирних корпица. Може доћи до одступања услед различитих спољашњих утицаја, као што су: влага у ваздуху, температура, начин складиштења и слично.
Over the years of business we have made business contacts and cooperation with a number of well-known companies and brands. These are just some of them:
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Avis ltd
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